Nursing History Review Guidelines for Contributors
Nursing History Review, the official publication of the American Association for the History of Nursing, is a peer-reviewed journal, published annually in January. Original research manuscripts are welcomed in broad areas related to the history of nursing, health care, health policy, and society. NHR defines original research as that based on primary sources that engage with relevant sources contextualizing events and arguments in the secondary historical literature, and in ways that allow the author to make novel interpretations.
Effective September 2024, Penn State University Press is our publisher.
Information for Submission
- NHR prefers manuscripts of between 7,000--15,000 words (including endnotes).
- We have introduced a new doctoral student/post-doctoral section. Manuscripts for this section will be between 4,000--5,000 words (including endnotes). While the word limit is lower, this will not reduce the research excellence expected or the rigor of the peer review process. The editorial team, however, will offer mentorship to the chosen author to ensure the final paper is of the quality required for NHR. Submissions to this section are open to any postgraduate student or early career researcher within three years of their doctorate.
- The editors of NHR have re-established sections for methodological papers and Keynote talks as appropriate.
- An abstract of no more than 250 words should be provided for all articles.
- Please include a list of up to five key words.
- Photographs of high-quality TIF files should be submitted in an appendix with permission to use. Do NOT embed photos or tables.
Conflicts of Interest
Authors must inform the editors of any institutional or organizational funding that has supported research related to the manuscript. This must also be indicated in the manuscript’s acknowledgments.
Preparing Your Manuscript
Manuscripts must be prepared using the guidelines specified in the most recent edition of the Chicago Manual of Style.
Manuscripts must be double-spaced and of letter-quality print. They must also use a type size of at least 12 characters per inch or 12 points. Please leave generous margins of at least 1 inch. All pages, including text, notes, and reference pages, must be numbered consecutively. All notes must be double-spaced and placed at the end of the manuscript as endnotes rather than footnotes.
Authors are responsible for securing permissions for all materials submitted. Authors will be asked to verify that they have secured written permission for publication of any interview or oral history data. If more than 500 words of text are quoted from a book, or more than 250 words from an article, or if a table or figure has been previously published, the manuscript must be accompanied by written permission from the copyright owner.
Any photos submitted with your article must be a high-resolution TIF file accompanied with permission to use.
Please click here for detailed instructions for author guidelines.
Initial queries about potential manuscripts should be sent to Jane Brooks at [email protected].
All manuscripts must be submitted through the Editorial Manager System.
Editorial Manager System
Author’s Biographical Information
Manuscripts. The final version of an accepted manuscript should include the author's title, university, and the address of the university. If not affiliated with a university please write "independent scholar" and use your address.
For example:
Jane Dow
Job Title
University Name or "Independant Scholar"
Address of University or Home Address if an Independant Scholar
You may include an e-mail address here if you so choose.
Book and Media Reviews:
Book and media reviews should be sent to the corresponding editors listed below. Your editors will give you instructions about how to format the introduction of your reviews. You should only give your name, credentials, and academic or organizational affiliation at the end.
Jane Brooks
[email protected]
Associate Editor
Michelle Hehman
[email protected]
Assistant Editor
Erin Spinney
[email protected]
Book Review Editor
Annemarie McAllister
[email protected]
Media Review Editor
Lydia Wytenbroek
[email protected]
Managing Editor
Doris Rikkers
[email protected]