Mary M. Roberts Award Recipients
~2024~ No award given
~2023~ No award given
~2022~ No award given
~2021~ No award given
~2020~ No award given
~2019~ No award given
~2018~ Sandra Lewenson, EdD, RN, FAAN & Annemarie McAllister, EdD, RN & Kylie Smith, PhD, BA Nursing History for Contemporary Role Development
~2017~Susanne Kreutzer, PhD & Karen Nolte, PhDDeaconesses in Nursing Care ~2016~Arlene Keeling, PhD, RN & Barbara Mann Wall, PhD, RNNurses and Disasters: Global, Historical Case Studies
~2015~ Jane Brooks, PhD, RN & Christine Hallett, PhD, BA, RN 100 Years of Wartime Nursing Practice 1854-1953
~2014~ Patricia O. D’Antonio, PhD, RN, FAAN, Julie Fairman, PhD, RN, FAAN, & Jean Whelan, PhD, RN Routledge Handbook on the Global History of Nursing
~2013~ Patricia O. D’Antonio, PhD, RN, FAAN and Sandra Lewenson, EdD, RN, FAAN Nursing Interventions Through Time
~2012~ Barbra Mann Wall and Arlene Keeling Nurses on the Front Line. When Disaster Strikes 1878- 2010