Paper Presentations
The Complexities of the Moment: The Early Years of Professional Organisation of Nurses in Ireland 1900-1930, Ann Wickham, PhD, BNS
Determining the Worth of Nurses' Work: Nurses' Fees, Salaries and Income, 1900-1940, Jean C. Whelan, PhD, RN
Working Together, Coming Apart: The National Joint Practice Commission (NJPC) and the 1977 Statements on Practice, Julie Fairman, PhD, RN, FAAN
"That Men Might Live": The Nurses of Base Hospital 108 in the European Theatre of Operations, 1943-1945, Karen Egenes, RN, EdD
Nisei Cadet Nurse of World War II: Patriotism In Spite of Prejudice, Thelma M. Robinson, RN, MS
"You Forgot All About the Nursing Etiquette": The Working Relationship Between Physicians & Nurses During WWI, Jennifer M. Casavant, RN, MSN, ACNP-BC
From the Cradle to the Council: Activities and Writings of German Women as Professional Nurses, 1899-1912, Aeleah Soine, Graduate Student
Exporting Public Health Nursing to Chile: Elizabeth W. Brackett 1942-1944, Jeannine Uribe, MSN, RN
The Prominent Role of Notable Women [and Men] in Instituting Army Reforms Among Troops at the outset of the American Civil War, Edward Halloran, RN, RhD
'Nothing to Report But What is Satisfactory: The Board of Superintendence of Dublin Hospitals and its Role in Nursing and Sanitary Reform, Gerard M. Fealy, PhD, MEd. BNS, RGN, RPN, RNT
Rights of Passage: Reforming Care for the Dying, 1963-1974, Joy Buck, PhD, RN
Nursing and American State Institutions: The Politics of Health Care Reform, 1985-1995, Jonathan Gilbride, MSN, NP, CCRN
Rediscovering Mary Maud Brewster: Co-Founder of the Henry Street Settlement, Paul Berman, MD
Alice Magaw: The Mother of Anesthesia, Nancy A. Harris CRNA, MNA
How Civil War Nurses Got Their Pensions: The Woman's Relief Corps and Annie Wittenmyer, Marjorie Baier, PhD, RN
Between the Medicine Man and the Contract Doctor: Field Nursing on the Navajo Reservation, 1924-1955, Arlene W. Keeling, RN, PhD
'Save the county nurse’: Establishing public health nursing in rural Wisconsin, 1920s-1940s” Rima D. Apple, PhD
Barefoot, Hungry and Diseased: Child Health in the South 1900-1925, Mary E. Gibson PhD(c), RN
Anesthesia Training in the Basic Nursing Program Curriculum, 1915-1930, Sharon L. Hadenfeldt, CRNA, MS, Doctoral Student
Nursing in the Wilderness: The Benedictine Influence on Nursing Education and Health Care in Northeastern Minnesota, Kathleen Ann Hannan, B.S.N., M.ED.
History of Disaster Nursing in the Southwest, Barbra Mann Wall, PhD
Poster Presentations
A Legacy of Leadership and Excellence: TWU College of Nursing 1954-2004, Constance J. Ayers, PhD, RN; Carolyn Lewis, PhD, RN; and Adrian Melissinos, MSN, RN, Doctoral Student
Joyce Cameron Foster: Modern Pioneer in Nurse Midwifery, Lynn Clark Callister, RN, PhD, FAAN
"Scarcely a Place for a Lady": Women Giving Nursing Care in Charlottesville Virginia during the American Civil War, 1861-1865, Barbara Maling, RN, MA, MSN, ACNP
Up the Mississippi: The Path of Yellow Fever to Memphis, Tennessee in 1878, Adrian Melissinos, MSN, RN
History as Mentor: Nurses Lead the Way for Physicians and Allied Health Staff, Julie Neumann, MS, RN, BC; Diane McNally Forsyth, PhD, RN; & Carolyn Stickney Beck, PhD
Meanings of Madness: An Analysis of the Hawaii Insanity Commission Proceedings, 1909-1910 and 1917-1939, Tom Olson, PhD, APRN, BC and Oriana Perez, BA.
The Nurse/Legislative Relationship in NJ: A Semiotic Analysis, Frances Ward, PhD, RN, APN, C
Saint Marys School of Nursing, Rochester, Minnesota: A Three year Diploma School and its Contribution to Nursing Education and Practice, Virginia Simons Wentzel, BS, RN
Forging the Future by Preserving the Past: The Evolution of a Nursing Archive, Julie A. Goltermann, RN, Gary Shimek, BA, MLIS, Sherrill L. Leifer, PhD, RN