Paper Presentations
Religion, Gender, and Autonomy: 19th Century Latter Day Saint Women in Nursing and Medicine. Elaine Sorenson Marshall.
The Challenge of Erroneous Facts When Researching the Life of Lavinia Lloyd Dock. Mary Ann Bradford Burnam
Stern, Plain, and Heroic: Trained Nurses in Family Magazines, 1880-1928. Brigid Lusk
Angels of the Mercy Fleet: Nursing the Ill and the Wounded Aboard US Navy Hospital Ships in the Pacific During World War II. Patricia A. Connor
Crossing the Technological Line: Blood Transfusion and the Art and Science of Nursing, 1942-1990. Cynthia Toman.
Building a Bridge Between Nursing and Feminism: The Life and Work of Jo Ann Ashley. Karen Anne Wolfe
The Spiritual Underpinnings of Frontier Nursing Service: An Analysis of the Letters of Sister Adeline Cashmore to Mary Breckinridge. Barbara Criss.
Autonomous Women or Subservient Nuns: Religion, Institution Building, and Nursing Activities of Catholic Sisters, 1865-1915. Barbra Mann Wall.
Virginia A. Ohlson: Leadership in the Reconstruction of Japanese Nursing During the American Occupation, 1947-1954. Shirley H. Fondiller
Angels of Mercy: The Imagery of Military Nurses During the Vietnam War Era. Susanna Tripale
The Spirit of the Frontier Prevails: The Chamberlain, South Dakota Typhoid Epidemic, 1933. Karen J. Egenes
Too Small to be a Nurse: The Story of Rosie Chang, 1918. Tom Olson
Keeping the Flame: The Influence of Agnes Ohlson on Licensure and Registration for Nurses, 1936-1963. Carol A. Daisy
New Professionals: Public Health Nurse and Nurse-Midwife-Campaigners to Eliminate the Midwife. Katherine Dawley
Finding They're There: The History of the Women Who Created the Baby Hospital. Marjorie S. Hammer & D. Jeanette Nichols
Coming to Terms with the Past: University of Maryland School of Nursing Living History Museum Dean A. Krimmel
The Swiftest and Most Remarkable Reform or Contested Issues: A Case Study in the Development of Nurse Training in Ireland. Ann Wickham
Smaller and Cheaper: The Chicago Hourly Nursing Service, 1926-1957. Jean C. Whelan
The Steel Cocoon: Tales of Patients of the Iron Lung, the Convergence of Caring and
Technology in Nursing in the 1940s and Early 1950s. Lynne M. Dunph
Poster Presentations
Cadet Nurses of World War II; Winning the War on the Home Front. Thelma Robinson
The Foundations of Modern Nursing in Russia. Quincealea Brunk & Galina Perfiljeva
Nursing in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, 1950-1980. Wendy M. Nehring