OCTOBER 11 - 13, 1996


Paper Presentations

Trumpets of attack: Caring for the crippled child 1930-1950. Kimberly Ferren Carter, University of Virginia.

An analysis of the friendship of Lavinia Dock and Lillian Wald 1898-1930. Maureen Ott, Regional Niagara Public Health Department, Ontario.

The Asclepeia: Ancient models of Holistic nursing. Ann Deno, Pennsylvania State University.

Caring for Civil War troops: A foundation for nursing practice. Sylvia Rinker, Lynchburg College, Virginia.

"From the best-run hospital in the Confederacy"... Sr. Mary Denis Maher, Ursuline College, Ohio.

1914-1918: The time when Southern nursing became respectable. Linda E. Sabin, Northeast Louisiana University.

History of Burrell Memorial Training School for Black nurses 1919-1934. Sandra Collins, Radford University, Virginia.

"A suitable field for women in the highest culture"... Karen J. Egenes, Loyola University, Chicago.

Linda Richards at Kalamazoo State Hospital. Ralph C. Gordon, Michigan State University.

Mary Adelaide Nutting's use of the political process to advance nursing. Janice Cooke Feigenbaum, D'Youville College, New York.

"Making sense of one world: Numbers, narrative and nursing history. Tom Olson, University of Virginia.

Women, higher education and nursing in the United States and Canada:... Janet Ross Kerr and Pauline Paul, University of Alberta.

"In our era": An oral history of University of Colorado nursing graduates... Nursing Graduates, Adeline R. Falk Rafail, et al, University of Colorado.

Florence Nightingale, Georgia Moore and Joanna Reddan Bridgemena: ... Mary Ellen Doona, Boston College.

Bearing the bandages: water and sponge: .. Wound Care 1845-1945. Barbara P. Rogers and Jeannette Waits, University of Mississippi Medical Center.

An historical trip through death and dying via nursing textbooks. Marjorie Manharth, University of Cincinnati.

Public Health Nurses, pioneering in New Mexico. Jake W. Spidle, University of New Mexico.

Alberta's District Nursing Service: A feminist solution to frontier care. Sharon L. Richardson, University of Alberta.


Poster Presentations


Analysis of the image of nursing and nurses as portrayed in fictional literature 1850-1995. Penny Fairman, University of San Francisco.

Common themes and shared meanings for military nurse veterans. Marietta P. Stanton , State University of New York, Buffalo.

Graduate nursing education in Montana 1957-1994. A. Gretchen McNeely, Montana State University.

The legislative path toward autonomous nursing in New York State. Anne K. Oboyski, SUNY Institute of Technology at Utica/Rome.

An oral history with two pioneers in nurse-midwifery. Linda Berstrom, et al, East Carolina University.

Pretty and power: Images of nurses in hospital journals 1930-1950. Brigid Lusk, Northern Illinois University.

Using humor to teach nursing history. Linda Sabin, Northeast Louisiana University.

Women of Vision: Lessons from the past for the present. Rita H. Pickler, Virginia Commonwealth