Paper Presentations
Nursing in Alaska: Fifty years ago and today. Connie Bertholf, MS, MPH; School of Nursing, University of Alaska.
Preserving nursing history in New Hampshire. Ann M. Kelly, MS; University of New Hampshire.
Mary Roberts Rinehart (1976-85) A nurse author on the best- seller list. Joellen W. Hawkins, PhD; Boston College.
An international perspective: Margaret Sanger's influence in the land of the Mikado. Malia S. Johnson, BSN, MA; University of Texas at Austin.
Frances Reiter: Intellectual leader (1942-66). Wanda C. Hiestand, RN, EdD; Pace University.
The growth of a nursing leader: Myrtle Kitchell Aydelotte. Michelle R. Robnett, MA; University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.
Invention of modern nursing: The Philadelphia experience.1830-1885. Patricia O'Brien, MSN; University of Pennsylvania.
Voluntarism, upper-middle class women and nursing: The Nurse Training School at the University of Pennsylvania.Julie A. Fairman, MSN; University of Pennsylvania.
Falk Clinic at the University of Pittsburgh, 1931-85; A study of organizational relationships within a academic health center. Arlene Lowenstein, PhD; Medical School of Georgia.
"Why don't you stick together like a bunch of bananas...?" Collective bargaining and economic security for nurses.Judith M. Stanley, PhD; California State University, Hayward.
The American Nurses' Association's influences on federal funding for nursing education(1941-84). Mary A. Hardy, PhD; The University of Iowa.
The evolution of the Wisconsin Nurse Practice Act. Michaelene P. Mirr, MS; University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire.
The origins of nursing by the Sisters of Mercy in the United States, 1843-1910. Mary P. Tarbox, MSPh, EdD; Mount Mercy College.
As it was: On being a University of Minnesota nursing student in the Roaring Twenties. Brenda H. Canedy, RN, PhD; M. Isabel Harris, RN, PhD; University of Minnesota.
The nursing sisterhoods of the Civil War. Loretta P. Higgins, RN, EdD; Boston College.
American nursing during World War I (April 1917-November 1918). Marie E. Rider, RN, MSN, CCRN; East Carolina University.
Captain Sally's Hospital, 1861-64. R. Ilene Hammond, BS, BA; Virginia Commonwealth University.
Essentials of college education for nursing - A past and current perspective. Jacqueline J. Blank, RN, PhD; University of Arizona; and Beverly McElmurry, University of Illinois, Chicago.
A study of the development of diploma and baccalaureate degree nursing education programs in Iowa from 1907-78. Bonnie K. Smola, PhD; University of Dubuque.
Curriculum development in nursing education, 1892-1952. Evelyn C. Bacon,RN,MS; Nursing Consultant, Williamsburg, Virginia
Poster Presentations
Nursing history: Visual examples from a timely methodology. Olga Maranjian Church, PhD, FAAN; University of Illinois at Chicago.
Nursing's evolutionary use of the term confusion. Virginia R. Sicola, BS, MS; Doctoral Student, Texas Women's University, Staff nurse, VA Medical Center, Dallas, Texas.
An historical survey of literature written by men in nursing in the United States -1955-1985. William G. Pheifer, BSN, MS; Old Dominion University, VA.
The Army Nurse Corps Oral History Program. Rosemary T McCarthy, RN, DNSc, FAAN; Catholic University of America; & Cindy Gurney, MN; US Army, Center of Military History.
Images of nursing in a professional journal: A historical perspective. Dawn Louise Crane, BSN, MS; Chesapeake Virginia.
A descriptive study of the methodologies used to teach the history of nursing in baccalaureate programs. Margaret Monahan, MS; Iowa Methodist School of Nursing, Des Moines, IA.