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Jewish Refugees and the British Hospital World, 1938-1948 Jane Brooks, PhD Nov. 10, 2020 Join Zoom Meeting: https://virginia.zoom.us/j/94611782975?pwd=S0FteGgxSHJBNm9jVlQyTjlmam5yQT09 Meeting ID: 946 1178 2975 Passcode: 239832 From the late 1930s and into the war years, young refugees from Germany and Austria arrived in Britain to enter hospital nurse training programs. Using the full range of personal testimony—including oral history, diaries, letters and memoirs—Dr. Brooks explores their flight from Nazi Europe, their lonely arrival in Britain, and their kaleidoscope of experiences as they sought entry into the nursing profession. Jane Brooks, PhD, is a Brodie Fellow with the Bjoring Center for Nursing Historical Inquiry at the UVA School of Nursing. A nurse historian, she is the author of Negotiating Nursing: British Army Sisters and Soldiers in the Second World War (Manchester University Press, 2018). Dr. Brooks is a senior lecturer and director of the Postgraduate Research School of Health Sciences at the University of Manchester, England. Additional ways to attend this Zoom session: Join Zoom Meeting https://virginia.zoom.us/j/94611782975?pwd=S0FteGgxSHJBNm9jVlQyTjlmam5yQT09
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