SEPTEMBER 28 - 30, 2007


Paper Presentations


The Decision-Making Process Toward the Prussian Nursing Examination of 1907—A Series of Compromises to the Disadvantage of Those Excluded   Christoph Schweikardt

From Bedbaths to Ivory Towers: The Changing Bases of Nursing Teachers' Identities   Martin McNamara and Gerard Fealy

“Before We Were Always There — Now, Everything Is Separate”: On the Relationship between Nurses and Patients in West Germany   Susanne Kreutzer

“We Are but Guests in the Marvelous Process of Birth”: Nurse-Midwives at the Catholic Maternity Institute, 1944–1968   Anne Z. Cockerham

“Nurses from the Parish”: The Baltimore Lutheran Motherhouse of Deaconesses, 1885–1935  Lisa M. Zerrull

“The Water Cure”: Hydrotherapy in State Mental Hospitals in the 1950s   Rebecca Bouterie Harmon

Sensible Soldiers: Free African Society Nurses Embodying Benevolence and Civic Virtues in the 1793 Philadelphia Yellow Fever Epidemic   Susan H. Brandt

A Tale of Two Associations: Black and White Nurses in North Carolina, 1920–1950   Patricia D’Antonio

Not Forgotten: Southern Black Rendering Nursing Care in Virginia during the Civil War, 1861–1865   Barbara Maling

Creating the “Next Florence Nightingale”: Dorothy Smith’s Innovations in Nursing Education and Clinical Practice at the University of Florida, 1956–1966 Julie Fairman

“Friends of Many Years”: The National Organization for Public Health Nursing (NOPHN) and Advocacy for Nursing and Patients in Depression-Era Health Programs, 1931–1936 Janna Dieckmann

“The Time Had Come When It Seemed Right”: Lillian D. Wald and the Introduction of Nurses to Public Schools, 1902 Michele M. Materese

In the Shadows of Nursing History: The Bermondsey Sisters at the Crimean War   Therese Connell Meehan

Florence Nightingale and Mother Francis Bridgeman   Carol Helmstadter

Fighting the War against War and Fascism: The American Nurses of the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939)   Rachel Yood

From Tuberculosis to Polio: An Activist Minnesota Hospital, 1915–1960   Cindy Connolly and Naomi Rogers

“Fixen My Broken Heart” in the La Rabida Children’s Sanitarium, 1932–1950s   Barbara M. Brodie

“Nursing Service Is Over the Budget”: Reappraisal of the Cost of Nursing at the University of Virginia Hospital, 1945–1965   John Kirschgessner

Nursing the ‘Influenza Scourge’: Dublin 1918–1919   Ann Wickham

Western Canadian Families and Mental Illness: An Oral History   Geertje Boschma

Nurses’ Participation in the Nazi “Euthanasia” Program   Susan Benedict


Poster Pesentations


"Caring for the Suitcase Wives": Public Health Nurses and the Emergency Maternal & Infant Care Program, 1943-1947. Nena Patterson

Shake the Dust Off Your Feet Granger Westberg: The History of the Nursing Specialty Practice in Faith Communities.   Susan MacLeod Dyess and Susan K. Chase

Borderlands: An Analysis of Advanced Practice Nursing   Frances Ward

Pathfinder: Twentieth Century New York Black Nurse Leaders   Sadie Marian Smalls

Teaching of Nursing History in Undergraduate Nursing Programs in Santa Catarina, Brazil   Maria Itayra Coelho de Souza Padilha

Historical Research Vinculated to Strictu-Sensu Post-Graduate Nursing Program in Brasil from 1972–2004.   Maria Itayra Coelho de Souza Padilha, Denise Faucz Kletemberg, Laurete Medeiros Borges, Vitória Regina Petters Gregório, and Miriam Süsskind Borenstein

“The Biggest Man in the Balkans”: Helen Scott Hay and the U.S. Red Cross Efforts in Eastern Europe, 1914–1922   Karen Egenes

The Evolution of Nursing Care of the Normal Newborn from 1800–2000: From a Derived Standard of Care Framework   Mary Anne Blum Condon

British and American FNS Nurses (1950–1970): Oral History Narratives of Nursing   Edith A. West

Mary Seacole: Unsung Heroine of the Crimean War and the Architect of the Contemporary Nurse Practitioner Model   Linda Blake

Blessed Are the Poor … Nightingale’s Influence on the Metropolitan Poor Act (1867)   Linda Holbrook Freeman

“The Florence Nightingale of Houston”: The Life of Kezia Payne Depelchin   Adrian Melissinos

“If Change Is Good, Why Is It Hard?” The First Ten Years of an Ohio Baccalaureate Program in Nursing, 1973–1983   Donna Miles Curry and Carol Holdcraft

Training to Nurse, Called to Care: Daughters of Wisdom and Nursing in the 1950s   Mary H. Wilson

Separate but Equal? A Comparison of Two Nurse Training Programs, Black and White, 1910–1920   Terry Bird